Saturday, January 30, 2010

A little Off Topic but worth telling you about....

The web host that I use, which is the best I have ever used, is having a Valentines Sale so I thought I would pass along the information to you. You may want to consider taking advantage of it; you can't beat this deal!

Click on  SBI Valentines Special for more information.
and even more information can be found at SBI Information

Honestly, you can't beat this deal for what you get from them. Click the image to find out more or to order it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We made it!

We made it through last week, one of the worst weeks of our lives. We had a family emergency that started on Monday and continued right through til the following Monday when we got some good news.

We managed to get some work done, but our hearts just weren't in it and we had difficulty concentrating due to all the stress.

Why can't there be little ups and downs in life, not the extremes that we seem to experience.

Anyways, life is back to normal again and we are back to creating. Getting ready for Sandy Paws event that we will be vending at early March. We lost a week but are doing our best to catch up.

Life goes on...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Auction for Measure

Auction for Measure (Pat C Measuring)

Today, an auction started for a very dear greyhound that we know. His story is below. Please help if you can; there are lots of really nice items listed at

Auction for Measure

Measure was retired in 2008 due to an ACL tear which was repaired in 2008, but unfortunately, the repair didn’t work. In December 2009, Measure came into the custody and care of the Greyhound Supporters Adoption Group ( so that he could be placed in a loving forever home.

Based on an assessment by an orthopedic surgeon, it was decided that Measure’s quality of life was being negatively affected due to the level of pain he was experiencing daily. In January 2010, Measure underwent surgery again in an attempt to improve his mobility and reduce his pain. The surgery, although expensive, has been successful thus far, but Measure’s recuperation will be lengthy. This auction is to help defray some of Measure’s medical costs. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's Wednesday morning and I am hoping for a no-stress day for a change. We have been going through a dog-emergency and have been spending a lot of the past 2-days with our veterinarian.

Despite our very busy few days, we have been able to keep up fairly well with business.

Greyt Auctions ( will be hosting it's very first fundraising auction very soon. The auction is currently being setting as I write this. Look for some great items to help them out. Very soon....

Denis and I are still creating and creating in preparation for the first event of 2010 that we will be vending at. Sandy Paws (Jekyll Island, GA) is one of our "regulars" that we really look forward to. We get to meet up with a lot of our friends, help out one of our favorite groups, and go to a warmer climate for a week. What can be better than that?
The show runs from March 4-6. Fun in the Sun!

With everything new that we are creating, there continues to be new items listed on The GlassHound ( on a regular basis so that you can get a good idea of what is destined for Sandy Paws.

Have a greyt day!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The GlassHound and Greyt Designs

It has been quite awhile but we thought it was about time that we got back to blogging about our lives, our dogs and our businesses.
Just an update - we have 3 websites:
The GlassHound
Greyt Designs
and now
Greyt Auctions

Greyt Auctions is our newest. It was created to help non-profit organizations and fundraisers with their auctions and raffles. All auctions and raffles are free of cost for the month of January to get things started. We need a few groups who would like to take advantage of the 100% return and post an auction or raffle to get Greyt Auctions going...If interested, please contact us and we'll help you get it all set-up.

Recently, we have added many new designs to The GlassHound and Greyt Designs shops. We have been busy getting ready for two big shows that we are going to be vending at in March and April. We are really looking forward to these shows.

We'll keep adding new designs as we get them done. Lots of plans for all the shops; lots of new designs in our heads that are waiting to come to reality...