Thursday, December 5, 2013

Downsizing and Debt Free

Three Years and Counting

In 2010, Denis got a new job in a different city. We put our house up for sale but it took us 18 months to sell it, and at a loss just so that we could get our lives back in order. We were virtually separated for all those months although he did make the 7 hour trip home every second weekend. I made the occasional trip to visit in the new city. Needless to say, it was a very difficult 18 months for both of us.

November 2011

After finally selling our house, we were so discouraged (and disgusted with the bank where we had our mortgage - but that is another story) we decided we didn't want to "own" again for awhile - if ever.

We rented a house that was within an hour drive from where Denis was working (we didn't want to live in the city) and so began another chapter of our life.

But that chapter was short-lived.

Soon after the move, I was diagnosed with a life-long neurological disorder called Ataxia. My father had it and I had always suspected that I would inherit it too. We suspect that the stress from my last job, living apart for so long, and the disastrous sale and move triggered it earlier than we expected.

After a lot of thought, we made the decision to simplify our life and make the move to our dream retirement while I am still able to enjoy it.

Denis gave six-months notice at work (he wanted to stay to the end of a project he was working on). We gave notice to the owners of the house we rented. And we proceeded to get rid of almost everything that we owned. The few things we kept are being stored with family.

Our plan was to move into our RV full-time, travel, and see all the places that we had always wanted to see.

Best Laid Plans

Six very busy months later (September 2012) we were on the road to the location we had chosen for the winter months. We were Victoria, British Columbia bound.

Victoria was not our first choice but changes in our circumstances necessitated a change of plans. Originally we had planned to go Southern USA (warmth and sunshine) for the winter but before Denis left his job, he was asked to remain on in a part-time capacity - working from wherever we call home. We really couldn't pass up that great opportunity but it comes with a restriction - he can't work this job in the USA. So, we decided to go to one of the warmest places in Canada for the winter.

Ontario To British Columbia

On our way across Canada that fall, we stopped in many places visiting friends, family and places we were interested in seeing. It was wonderful to see people that we hadn't seen in years - in some cases, many many years.

We spent six months in Victoria and loved everything except the rainy days, and there were many.

In March, we slowly started to head East again. We spent most of the summer back in Ontario because our kids were scheduled to move to Alberta. We were there to help them prepare and to visit family. Because our boys were moving West, and we don't want to be too far away to be able to visit so we decided to make BC our permanent province of residence. We visited family knowing it would be the last time that we would see them for a few years.

In July, our boys moved. We stayed in Ontario for another two months then started our trip West once again.

We are now in BC. Winter 2013/2014 location is Osoyoos.

We Have Fallen in Love with the Valley.

We are taking this opportunity (fall, winter, and spring) to travel around the Okanagan Valley to see where we would most like to settle as it is most likely that we won't be able to continue living in and traveling with our RV for much longer; my mobility is slowly deteriorating.

For now we are just enjoying a cold (although not as cold as Ontario), dry, sunshiny winter.

I Did Mention Debt-Free...

A pleasant side-effect of our simplified lifestyle has given us the opportunity to clean up most of our debts. It started slowly but has a cumulative effect.

Let me explain.

We were able to quickly pay off one debt. Then we used the money that was put against that debt to increase the payment to another. We kept doing that since we left on our journey and after 1 1/2 years, we only have a three debts left to pay; two of which will be paid off by May 2014. At that time, we will be left with only one debt (the biggest one).

When you downsize you also downsize your expenses. Our new lifestyle comes with so few expenses that we can put much of our spare cash against our debts and still have a little extra to spare.

For the first time that I can ever remember, we actually aren't living entirely paycheck to paycheck. What a wonderful feeling that is!

When We Settle Again

We still haven't decided whether we will rent or buy when we find where we want to settle again but we do know that the house that we choose will not be very big.

We like living in a small place - a tiny home. It doesn't cost very much (small place = small expenses), it doesn't cost much to upgrade and maintain, it takes very little time to clean, and yard maintenance is virtually non-existent.

Which means that cost of living there will be minimal and we will have time to do what we really like to do rather than what we have to do.

We downsized, we simplified our life, and are happier than we've ever been!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I'm Back

Honestly, I had forgot about this blog. I came across it a few days ago and remembered how much I used to enjoy posting here. How did I forget about it?

Well, I'm back now...

A lot has changed since 2011.

New job.
We moved.
New style of living.
Health issues.
Improved our life/lifestyle.
Our kids moved.
Improved our future outlook.

Too much for just one post so what I'll do is divide it up into numerous posts. I'll have the first segment posted by tomorrow.

You won't want to miss these. They'll be full of great information...