Friday, May 23, 2014

Is Affordable Housing Possible?

Tiny Affordable and Small Houses

A few years ago I would have said "no way" - it is virtually impossible to find Affordable Housing, but today I know better.

It is not common knowledge (although it is becoming more of a good trend) that you can build or buy and live in a tiny (or small) house. For many years it was considered the norm to have a big house - it was a status symbol, an acknowledgment of your succcess. The only problem with a big house is that it uses up all your resources leaving you with very little, if anything, to actually live your life.

Big House Pros and Cons

Typically, a big house is a display of wealth and status - that is all. Who really needs all that space? In most families, many of the rooms in a large house are not even used.

A big house usually requires more than one income to afford - both parties need to work full-time. In many cases, even that is not enough to keep up with all the expenses which is part of the reason why so many Americans found themselves in financial difficulties in recent years.

Cleaning, maintaining, and the upkeep of a house that is more than what you really need is simply a suck of your spare time. It takes hours to clean and tidy a house that is big. There is regular maintenance and upkeep chores that need to be done which uses up even more of the time that you could be using to do something that you really love and enjoy.

The cost to heat and cool a large place adds up. Not only does that unnecessarily use up precious resources, but it is money that you will never see again.

Tiny or Small House Pros and Cons

Many people have proven that living in a small or tiny house can be just as comfortable and luxurious as a big house - just on a smaller scale. What I've noticed is that people who have downsized (usually considerably) are living happier and healthier lives because along with downsizing their living arrangements, they find that the stress load, financial worries, and strain of living has been eased.

When you have a small house, you will have the time and the money to enjoy your life rather than being a slave to it.

A tiny house does not cost much to live in. It doesn't cost much to heat or cool a little space.

It takes a lot less time to clean, maintain, and upkeep a small home. Generally, you could be done in one-hour or so.

Which leaves you lots of time to do the things that you really love to do, time to do what you enjoy.

Your expenses will be cut down considerably which will leave you with extra cash to put away for a rainy day, to pay off debt, save for education and/or  vacations, and your retirement years.

This is what living your life is all about. All this is what makes living in a small house affordable. This is what living in affordable housing does to improve your life.