Tuesday, November 23, 2010

PLR - Private Label Rights

PLR is a not so well-known internet marketing tip. If your writing skills are not where they could be, you don't enjoy writing, or don't have the time to write - you can purchase PLR articles for use on your website, to submit to article directories, or to use as information for yourself. PLR is becoming known as one of the great benefits for marketers.


Like most things, some are good, some not so good. It takes time to find the "good ones"  I have found one such website that produces higher quality PLR articles and eBooks than most of the others -- yet they are not over priced.


The cost for the articles is very reasonable - especially considering the quality you get.


For this reason, I am happy to pass this information along to you. All you need to do is click on the links below, and you'll be taken to a page where you'll get more information on each as well as the option to buy.

P.S. The author of these PLR articles and eBooks is the person who got me interested in PLR. I bought and went through her PLR ATM course, found the information extremely useful and well-written. I then started my own PLR business called PLR Market Shop.


Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Friday, November 19, 2010

Internet Marketing for Business Articles

I have just added a 5 pack of PLR Articles that is about Internet Marketing for Business.

Imagine - 5 great articles for only $6.00. PLR Articles that you can use to submit to article directories and use on your own website.

It's a great deal, not to be missed.

Here is where you will find them:  http://plrmarketshop.com/plr-articles-2/






Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Site Build It!

This one is just "a little" off topic but it is something that I want to share with everyone. Site Build It (SBI) is an all-inclusive website building service – hosting, building a website, tons of information and advice, and great customer support. All that and you wont’ believe the price!

I have been using them for years - at least two of my websites were built using their proven system and I have no intention of taking them elsewhere. The SBI system is very easy to learn and use, and the customer support is great - not that I need it very often.

I have never experienced any "down-time" in all my years with them.

I given Site Build It (also knowns as Sitesell) a great big Thumbs Up!




Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hosting Recommendation

When your research for your topic is done, it will be time to choose a domain name. This is a time-consuming effort as it is important to choose a domain name that is appropriate to your niche as well as one that will withstand the test of time. With millions of websites online, it is not always easy to find the right domain name. Research is key... you want to get it right the first time as you cannot change the domain name unless you want to start over.

More information and my recommendation for hosting your domain can be found at Marketing Strategy Today. Click on the Hosting link.



Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Monday, November 8, 2010

Article Writing Service

Internet Marketers need to have links to their websites as far and wide on the Internet as possible. Articles that have been distributed throughout article directories are a great source of backlinks (remember to place a link to your website within the articles). The more articles that you have out there, the more visible your Internet Marketing website will be.

It is difficult to find the time to write that many unique articles along with all the other work that needs to be done to promote, and keep the content fresh on your website. This is where an article writing service comes in very handy.

I have come across an article writing service that does quality work, within a few days, and the cost is very reasonable.

If you are like me, and don't have the time to write your articles, try out this service. It's a good one...





Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Friday, November 5, 2010

Marketing Strategy #2 - BTF

Bring the Fresh is a must have if you are serious about Internet Marketing.

BTF website was created and is maintained by two extremely successful Internet Marketers. They decided early in 2010 to combine and share their knowledge with other people. The cost is very reasonable for all the information that they give to you. In fact, I bought it awhile ago and am still going through reading and rereading all the valuable information, tips and tools that they recommend. The information is passed along in a very relaxed, easy to understand manner. And if you don't understand something, simply go to the forum and you are guaranteed that someone will help you to get through it and understand it. Kelly and Mike (from BTF) regularly participate in the forum as well. They are also happy to answer any questions that have been directed to them.

The huge amount of very detailed knowledge and advice that they pass along to their subscribers is invaluable. It is a lot of reading and digesting, but if you don't try to get through it all at once, implementing it in chunks...you should do well.

I can tell you that I wasn't disappointed with the knowledge that I gained from them. I was excited and inspired...ready to get going immediately!

You will find many techniques that you have never heard of before - all successful and proven techniques.

All aimed at making <strong>YOUR</strong> business a success too.

Marketing Strategies


If you would like to follow along with all the new marketing strategy information that I publish, you can also check out my website Marketing Strategy Today. Make sure that you bookmark it so that you don't miss out on all the valuable information. I regularly evaluate an publish information on marketing strategy tools and programs.




Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Marketing Strategies

And we have lift off...

The Marketing Strategies website has been created and published as of today. There is much more information that I originally planned for so I have decided to break it up over a number of days.

Today, I'm starting with Wordpress themes. I will tell you about the program that I use to dress up my wordpress websites. I like this program because it is not expensive (important!), it is very easy to use, and has lots of themes to choose from. What I like best is that you can mix and match the headers, backgrounds, and themes. You can even upload your own to use with the preset designs. Plus, they are always adding more to choose from.

As well as the great designs, there are places to enter the all-important marketing strategy information, SEO, affiliates, and more...This is an all-round great piece of online software.

If you would like to see all the wordpress theme information that I am talking about, check it out at http://marketingstrategytoday.com/internet-marketing-strategies/Topics/marketing-strategies - this link will take you directly the to themes page (by-passing the Home page).



Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Marketing Strategies

And we have lift off...

The Marketing Strategies website has been created and published as of today. There is much more information that I originally planned for so I have decided to break it up over a number of days.

Today, I'm starting with Wordpress themes. I will tell you about the program that I use to dress up my wordpress websites. I like this program because it is not expensive (important!), it is very easy to use, and has lots of themes to choose from. What I like best is that you can mix and match the headers, backgrounds, and themes. You can even upload your own to use with the preset designs. Plus, they are always adding more to choose from.

As well as the great designs, there are places to enter the all-important marketing strategy information, SEO, affiliates, and more...This is an all-round great piece of online software.

If you would like to see all the wordpress theme information that I am talking about, check it out at http://marketingstrategytoday.com/internet-marketing-strategies/Topics/marketing-strategies - this link will take you directly the to themes page (by-passing the Home page).



Posted via email from Greyt Musings