Thursday, December 30, 2010

Article Writing Tool

I recently came across a valuable tool for Internet marketing and article writing - it is called Instant Article Wizard or IAW.

It can take quite a bit of time to research, gather all the facts and information, then put it into words.

Instant Article Wizard does just want the name implies, it makes writing articles easier and quicker, and is perfect for anyone whether you can write or not.

IAW is a brand new article writing software tool that is currently in Beta testing. It is scheduled for a full-release sometime in January 2011 but until then, you are invited to test it out <em>FOR FREE</em> and provide feedback so that they can make this best it can be for article marketing.

I've taken a look at it, given it a try with a few articles and was impressed with what it can do in a short amount of time. Just by entering one or more keywords, it searches the web for you and comes back with many websites that you can use information from to write your article.  Everything is done within the software including copy and paste from websites, arranging the wording, changing the wording so that the content is uniquely yours, and much more. You really need to give it a try to see all that it is capable of and how it will benefit you.

I'm certainly going to keep this one in my arsenal of Internet marketing tools.

<a href="" target="_blank">Instant Article Wizard</a>


Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Sunday, December 19, 2010

All I Can Say Is "WOW"

Happy Sunday Everyone,

It is a happy day today!  The snow has finally stopped and it is only a few more days until my family is home for the Holiday.

Can't wait...


I immdiately  thought of you when I found something very valuable this morning while doing my rounds on the Internet.

An incredible program with tons of really great information - I'm super impressed, and I haven't even gone through half of the information!

I'm so impressed, that I couldn't wait to let you know about it.

I have no doubts that you'll be jsut as impressed.

What I found is called Traffic Dashboard.

It is perfect for anyone who has a website that they would like to promote. It doesn't matter if you are selling something, offering a service, or just simply want more traffic (readers) - this method will work for everyone.

I jumped on this one - no hesitation. Especially because the price is fantastic for what you get!

What you'll get

  • Traffic Strategies - some that I have never heard of and plan to start using ASAP
  • Traffic Tips
  • Traffic Techniques
  • Tons of information
  • and this is just for starters.

It is laid out so well that you won't have the usual "overwhelmed" feeling that you get when you buy something like this. Kim really took the time and made this a top-quality product, with us in mind.

Through trial and error, I have learned not to get sucked in by the majority of so-called "guru" techniques, but this one caught my eye and rightfully so - It Really Is Incredible.

Check it out for yourself  and you'll see what I'm talkin' about  - why I'm so excited about this product -  Traffic Dashboard

Happy Holidays!


JD Copywriting

Marketing Strategies Today

P.S. Here's a little bonus for you. Kim tells you all about her program - exactly what you'll get, how you'll benefit from the program, and the long-term benefits.


Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Friday, December 17, 2010

What is Your Perfect Marketing Strategy?

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Do you dream of working for yourself, to own your own business, and make your time your ownÉ It doesn’t matter what you do, just that you do it, and that you enjoy doing it. Owning your own business, whether online or not, is hard work. It takes a lot of time to establish yourself, let alone make enough money to live comfortably.

It doesn’t matter is you are technically inclined or technically challenged. Whatever you choose to do should be something that you are truly interested in doing, something that you will enjoy doing for the long-term, and preferably something you are good at. Some people are good with their hands, some are good thinkers, some are good talkers, and some are good at all of the above.

Online Opportunities

Online opportunities abound for any type of business – offline or online. Knowing how to market each type of business is a specialty of good internet marketers.

The way a business is marketed will depend on what they would like – do they want to go global or would they prefer to market to the local audience only,  do they want to become known nationally, regionally, or target their immediate area? One of the first decisions to be made is how far-reaching they want to be. That will determine the strategy that the Internet marketer will take.

Online Marketing Strategies

There are a number of different online strategies that can be employed. The business can choose to have a complete website built, a one-page website, a blog, or just do some article marketing, social networking, blog posting, etc. Each strategy can be very effective in its own way, if done properly by someone who understands what they are doing.

It is not that expensive to get a website up and running when you know how to create a website, how to optimize it, and where to go for the best deals.

An experienced Internet marketer will have a system set up that will eventually provide the business with a solid foundation on the web.

Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Article Marketing

One of the most important steps that you should take when marketing your business is to write articles, or have them written for you, and then submit them to as many article directories as you can. There are many writing services available if you don't have the confidence or the time to write your own, but I would stress that you take the time to find an article writing service or person that does quality work. Some of the article directories can be very picky about the content that they accept for submission.

When writing an article, target keywords should be included and keyword density should be calculated. This will help to get your article seen by your target audience. It is also necessary to include backlinks in your article, backlinks to the web page that contains more information on the topic - and the affiliate link if you are selling something.

My Recommendation

If you don't want to take the serious amount of time that it takes to submit your article to numerous article directories, there are automated software services that can help you with this task. I have tried a few of them - some of them are not very good, some of them are okay, and then one of them is excellent. The excellent one is the one that I am recommending to you today. It costs fact, it is a monthly fee but in my opinion, it's well worth it for the serious internet marketer.

Unique Article Wizard

Option #2. If you don't have an extra amount of cash to spend on this service each and every month, I can help you. Along with my writing service, JD Copywriting, I offer an article spinning service (if you want your each article to be different for each article directory), as well as article marketing. When you hire me, you won't need to have the cash every month to submit your articles to hundreds and hundreds of directories - I can do that for you whenever you need it done - for a fee of course. But, my fee is much less than what you would need to pay each month for UAW.

Remember, article marketing with backlinks is one of the most important steps in getting your name out there - globally!

And it works, some of my websites have been steadily climbing since I started article marketing them.

Happy Marketing!









Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Friday, December 3, 2010

I'm Really Impressed

I have to say that it is rare that I am completely and totally impressed by software, but this is one exception!

I purchased The Best Spinner a little over a month ago now and have been using it almost daily since then. It was recommended to me as one of the best article spinning applications available. I can now confirm that it is aptly named. It is the best article spinning software around today.

It not only makes it easy to spin any article quickly and easily, you can spin it and receive up to 250 versions of the same article - spun into 250 different ways. So, if you are planning to submit your article to many, many article directories, you will have up to 250 versions to choose from.


I'm not only impressed with the capabilities of the software, but the owner/creator is serious about his product too. There are regular updates, sometimes daily, and all the updates are automatically installed when you open up the software. No matter if the update is a big one or a small one, there is always some type of improvement.

The Best Spinner is definitely one of the best tool that I have purchased for my internet marketing business so far.


Posted via email from Greyt Musings