Thursday, December 30, 2010

Article Writing Tool

I recently came across a valuable tool for Internet marketing and article writing - it is called Instant Article Wizard or IAW.

It can take quite a bit of time to research, gather all the facts and information, then put it into words.

Instant Article Wizard does just want the name implies, it makes writing articles easier and quicker, and is perfect for anyone whether you can write or not.

IAW is a brand new article writing software tool that is currently in Beta testing. It is scheduled for a full-release sometime in January 2011 but until then, you are invited to test it out <em>FOR FREE</em> and provide feedback so that they can make this best it can be for article marketing.

I've taken a look at it, given it a try with a few articles and was impressed with what it can do in a short amount of time. Just by entering one or more keywords, it searches the web for you and comes back with many websites that you can use information from to write your article.  Everything is done within the software including copy and paste from websites, arranging the wording, changing the wording so that the content is uniquely yours, and much more. You really need to give it a try to see all that it is capable of and how it will benefit you.

I'm certainly going to keep this one in my arsenal of Internet marketing tools.

<a href="" target="_blank">Instant Article Wizard</a>


Posted via email from Greyt Musings

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