Sunday, April 24, 2011

TradeForgeFX - It's Almost Over

It's almost OVER!

TradeForgeFX has been "red hot" and the limit on the charter members has almost been reached - in just two days!

TradeForgeFX Demo Video

If you participated or watched the webinar, you'll have seen that when all the charter licenses are full, the price will go up to $5,000.
No exceptions.

So, if you haven't had the opportunity to see TradeForgeFX in action yet, go here while you still have a chance to become a charter member.

TradeForgeFX Demo Video

Listen, over 37,000 people signed up to see TradeForgeFX in action and when the remaining licenses are gone, they're gone.

This is not one of those product launches that will go on forever - I can promise you that it'll be closing the doors any time now.

When you watch this quick demo video you'll understand why.

There's literally nothing else like TradeForgeFX.

P.S. The price will instantly increase to $5,000 the moment it closes for charter members.

Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Highly Anticipated Forex Building System Webinar is Today

Today is the day for the Forex System Building Webinar

Are you ready to change the rest of your trading LIFE?

Stop whatever you're doing right now and get yourself on this Free Online Trading Event:

"How To Build Your Own Winning Trading System in 5 Minutes or Less - That Make You Money"

Seats are limited, but they've allowed for a few more since there has been such a great response. Sign up right now.

Remember, life is a series of TINY choices like this one, tiny hinges swing VERY big doors. Get it?

P.S. There will be NO second chances. If you miss this chance it will be gone forever.

The training is 100% FREE and you have nothing to lose.

Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Last Chance to Get In On Free Forex Trading Webinar

You are invited to the most anticipated Forex Trading System Webinar. It's free but you need to RSVP to guarantee your seat.

Yesterday I sent you a personal invitation to attend a special VIP online training this Thursday on:

"How To Build Your Own Winning Trading System in 5 Minutes or Less - That Make You Money"

Seats are limited, click on the link below right now to RSVP:

This is a topic that has the whole industry buzzing right now after the release of the "Forex Fools and Liars Report" rocked EVERYBODY last week.

If you want to keep your pulse on the industry and understand what's really going on around you, you need to be on this training.


Well, for starters you'll discover how Jason trades by using OPM (Other People's Money).

That nugget alone should get your juices flowing!

Hop on this webinar and I promise you one thing, you won't be bored. This is some the most exciting news to come down the pike in Forex inat least 5 years.

RSVP to save your seat by clicking the blue link below

I'll see you there,


P.S. You can skip this training if your plan is to "go blindly on faith", buying whatever magic black box comes down the pike next.

But, if you want to be a real professional Forex trader, earning real profits, I mean life-changing profits, then you desperately need to be on this training and as your friend I'm giving you one last invitation.

Save your seat right now.

Protect your seat right and RSVP right now


Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Forex Trading Webinar - Your Invitation

Forex Trading Webinar - Do Not Miss Out On Your Chance For Success

You can get your very own personal invitation to a fantastic Forex Trading Webinar on Thursday.

This is by invite only, and the seats are limited so you don't want to hesitate in signing up.

Click the link below, sign up, and you'll get your personal invitation via email.

If you are a beginner or expert with Forex Trading, you want want to miss this!



Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Binary Inversion? Forex Trading?

Reverse Losing Trades with Time Travel?

Binary Inversion?

Here's what it means:

Ever heard of it? I didn't think so.  It's the single deepest, darkest, hidden secret of all trading system developers.

Jason Fielder (Fielders's Law) just completed the first public white paper ever written on the subject and it will be the most important 12 page
trading document you will ever read.

It is profound.

The report is free to read but could cost you millions if you don't, it's your choice.

Like Dean Wormer said in "Animal House":

"Fat, Lazy and Stupid is no way to go through life"

I couldn't agree more.

Good Trading


P.S. Jason won't leave this up for long. If everybody knows this stuff we'll lose our edge

Go grab the report NOW!

Click the link below

Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Last Chance - Free Forex Trading Report

<h1>Free Forex Trading Report</h1><p>

<h2>This May Be Your Last Chance For the Truth - Grab Your Free Forex Trading Report Today</h2>

Last week when the Forex Fools and liars report was released I knew the pressure would be on Jason to pull it down or face career suicide... I was right

I just got an email from him that he may have to take down the report some time today.

Go get a copy now if you still can, It's an amazing eye opening read.

Sign up and you won't miss out on a thing. Exciting new Forex Trading System coming soon.

Click Here to Get Access To Your Free Forex Trading Report

P.S. Jason is a straight shooter and one of the good guys. I can vouch for that.

Go get the report -- this may be your last chance so be sure to sign up.

Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Calling all Forex Trading People!

Hi all,

As you know, I don't write here very often. I know that you probably get bombarded with information everyday - I know I do, so I try to write only when I find something of great value to tell you about.

Well, this is one of those days.

I have come across something so incredibly great that I just have to tell you about.

Download Your Free Report Here!

This is a brand new Forex Trading System. There is nothing like it on the market today!

It is geared toward beginners as well as seasoned forex traders. It is very user-friendly.

Today is the launch of this new system and I can tell you that there has been huge anticipation for this new system software. It is being released to the public only despite the constant requests from professional traders to have this too. That means, that you'll have the advantage of automating your very own trading system long before they will have access to te software.

As of this morning, the very first part of the software release has been sent out - a Free Report.

YOU can download a FREE report here to get a taste of what is coming VERY SOON!

Stay tuned as I'll be sending out new information as soon as I receive it.



Don't want to keep an eye out for the information? Go to and sign up - the updates will be sent directly to your email inbox so you won't miss a thing.


Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just Unveiled! You Don't Want to Miss Out on This One!

Its a go! Just Unveiled :)

A friend on mine and fellow Internet marketer has just released an absolutely HUGE giveaway event.

Simply sign up and get the scoop.

- tons of ebooks

- tons of scripts

- tons of graphics

- tons of software

- tons of everything you've ever wanted

Where did all these goodies come from?

I teamed up with Gilbert Leblanc who has called in some favors from a whole bunch of top online marketers and

convinced them all to give you TONS of Products at absolutely no cost to you.

And he is not stopping short on this one either.

There is even a direct down load links to everyone entering the event of "Packaged Software, Templates, Plus Some Bonus

Material Tucked Inside"

It is our way of saying "thank you"!

These products are worth thousands and thousands of dollars and have already made the owners thousands and thousands

of dollars.

These products are worth thousands and thousands of dollars and have already made the owners thousands and thousands

of dollars.

 I just can't hide the excitement. This is probably the most exciting news I've ever shared with you. Go get it now!      


 P.S. Don't miss out, It's only available for a short time and then it's gone.

Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Friday, January 7, 2011

Recession or Demographics?

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  Is It Time To Re-Evaluate Your Market Niche?

There are offline businesses going into bankruptcy everywhere. In a time of prosperity, people rush to buy the latest electronic gadget or to get the latest bath accessories. So, your market niche may have done well when the economy was doing well, but now you've noticed a down turn in purchases. What's going on? Don't assume that this is the result of the economic recession; instead, be proactive and try to determine what factors are affecting your sales. It could be the economy, but it could also be various other factors: A shifting demographic, poor sales strategies that don't work in a downturn, or bad or no advertising campaign.

Shifting Demographics

When you set up your business, you probably had a good idea of what demographic you wanted to serve. With the recession, the demographic you serve may have had shifts in their income level or even living situations. Take a look at the boomer generation. They are experiencing an epic shift in their income as they face retirement, with battered retirement funds from poor market results. Even though you could rely on this demographic to purchase specific products and services as they continued to dominate the market, this may not be true inanymore. For this reason, it may be time to re-evaluate your demographics and buyers.

Sales Strategies

Running the same promotions without the results? That's not really surprising considering that the psychology of the market place has changed dramatically and that consumers may not be in a situation to buy. Before the recession, status was a great psychological trigger to create a buying opportunity. The same trigger may be meaningless in a downturn unless you are marketing to the very rich.  The biggest strategy for the downturn is going to be value offers; you need to make sure that many of your strategies reflect value.

Bad or No Advertising Campaigns

The immediate impulse of business owners in a downturn is to stop investing in advertising since there are fewer buyers. This is a mistake and can be setting yourself up for poor sales later on. If you haven't evaluated your advertising campaign, you need to do that now. Look at where you are advertising, what psychological triggers and sales strategies you are using, and whether you can provide value offers that put you ahead of the competition during these tough times.


Posted via email from Greyt Musings

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Video Games and Dancing

I spent the past few days doing research, buying domains, and setting up some websites for 2011. I'm not done as I have some more plans for 2011, but this is a good start.

I have also started making a "plan" for this year. Where I want to "go" with my business.

One thing that I know for sure is that I want to be more organized so I've started writing down everything in a book - everything that I want or need to do. This way I can check each one off as it gets done and its easy to add to it. I know the to do list will never end, I'll always have more "to do" that what I have got done, but at least it'll be organized.

What are your plans for 2011?

Here is the list of websites that I have started:


Happy New Year




Posted via email from Greyt Musings