Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Well now....

I'm home again today with a sick kid. It seems that I have been spending more time at home lately than I have at work. The drama never seems to end in my life.

The only good thing with staying at home is that I am able to get a lot more done than I can when I have to go into the office. Less commute time (which is also good for the environment), I get to spend time with the kid and the dogs, and I have a little more time for being creative. I am getting some new drawings done as well as some new digital art...just in time for our first show of the year.

We are going to be at Sandy Paws in Georgia the first weekend of March. Rowdy and TJ are coming with us on that trip, the rest of the gang will stay home (not alone :-) )

I am so looking forward to our annual trip south. We get to visit with good friends, have some fun and best of all, we'll be away from the cold and snow for a bit.

Denis is working hard on orders and new stained glass creations for the show. Between the two of us, we should have a good selection of stained glass, drawings, paintings and pictures.

One more thing, Measure's auction finishes on February 5, 2010. Dont' miss out on any of the 30 fabulous auction items. I know I have my bids in and will be monitoring it over the last few days of the GSNCR auction for Measure.
GSNCR auction for Measure

The GlassHound
Greyt Auctions

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